r e l a x i n g a r t

Innovation - Creativity - Efficiency
The relaxingart academy and with it the Physiotherapy and Massage by Pape was founded by the naturopath and lecturer Ulf Pape. He has been teaching at various physiotherapeutic training institutes for over 20 years. The aim of this therapy is to make physiotherapeutic treatments as efficient and comprehensive as possible.
The treatment strategies do not follow any established schemes. The main focus is a dialogue between patient and therapist. It involves an individual approach as well as the situation-dependent, creative application of different therapy methods, experience and the latest scientific knowledge.
The training courses for physicians, physiotherapists, osteopaths, massage and sports therapists are based on creative teaching and learning concepts. The aim of the teaching is, together with the students, to continuously develop the Physiotherapy and Massage by Pape as well as testing the otherwise well-proven systems (internal and external). This results in even more efficient treatment strategies after each training. These strategies can be directly integrated into the everyday treatment practice.

Ulf Pape
Naturopath & Lecturer, Textbook Author, Social Scientist
Ulf Pape works as a naturopath, pain therapist and masseur in Berlin in his own practice. He began his professional career as a locksmith, worked with disabled people and as a house nurse; he studied Political Science and German Studies as well as pedagogy, psychology and philosophy. He graduated as a medical practitioner in 1999 and in various manual therapy procedures since 1992.
Since 2001, he has lectured at numerous physiotherapeutic training institutes in Germany and abroad. He dedicates himself on a voluntary basis to the treatment of torture victims (through manual pain therapy) and the training of therapists in the poor regions of Venezuela. He publishes at the medical publishers Stuttgart (Thieme, Sonntag) as well as at Pflaumverlag. His topics are the development of innovative physiotherapeutic treatment strategies, complementary techniques to Asian massages and the practical implementation of creative teaching and learning concepts.